Ausgewählte Publikationen

A method of Intraduodenal administration of fluids to Chicken

Pathomorphologische, ätiologische und epitotiologische
Untersuchungen zur Polyserositis bei Masthähnchen

Zur Pathologie und Pathogenese der Cl. perfr Typ A
Enterotoxaemie Huhn

Case report, Pathomorphology of an experemental disseminated
A. fumigatus infections in a rabbit

Case Report, a disseminated infection due to Chr. queenslandicum
in a garter snake

Hepatic and renal ultrastructural lesions in experimental
Cl. perfringens type A enterotoxaemiainfection in Chicken

Effect of Avilamycin, tylosin ansd ionophore anticoccidial on
Cl. perfringens enterotoxaemia in chickens

Sertoli Leydig cell tumour in a bitch, 10 years after spaying
A case report

Dermatomykosen durch Haus- und Nutztiere - Vernachlässigte Infektionen?

Efficacy on Influenza vaccination and Tamiflu Treatment

Atlas of the Mammalian Ovary:
Morphological Dynamics and Potential Role of Innate Immunity

Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit von Oseltamivir gegen H1N2
Influenzaviren bei Schweinen

Development of a Clostridium perfringens type A/C toxoid vaccine for sows
to protect piglets against the Necrotic Enteritis and negative effects of
an infection with Clostridium perfringens type A

Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Sertolizelltumor beim neugeborenen Kalb

Sertoli Cell tumour in a neonate calf

Efficient protection against an experimental infection with heterologous strains